For What It’s Worth

Worth: noun: the value of something, value, price, price paid; worth, worthiness, merit; 

Adj.: significant, valuable, of value; valued, appreciated, highly thought-of, deserving, meriting; honorable, noble, of high rank; suitable for, proper, fit, capable

Every person has worth, value, and deserves to be treated with respect. Every single one. 

The worth of another does not rest on socio-economics… a bank account, an education, or a home. Owning a car, or anything else, does not give us worth.

Worth does not rest on our political views or who we voted for.  Although five minutes on social media would tell you differently.

Our opinions do not give us worth, however right we think our opinion is … our worth is not attached to it. Nor is another’s worth diminished because of their opinion. 

Worth does not rest on age. The embryo and the feeble elderly person both have worth. And as hard as it is to believe, the rebellious teenager as well. (grin)

Worth does not rest on our choices. (Thank you, God!) The prisoner, the prostitute, the drop-out, the valedictorian, the transgender, the homeless, and the Christian all have worth.

All of the things we think define us … the country we live in, our jobs, our IQ, our disabilities, our assets, our marital status, the size of our family, our mental health, our past …none of these give, nor diminish worth.  

Each person’s worth comes from God,  the Creator. We are His creation, He gets to put the value on what is His. We understand this principle. If you create a piece of art, as the creator, you establish the value. 

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. 

The world and all its people belong to him. ~ Psalm 24:1 NLT

God has the last word on your worth and He calls you loved, chosen, beautiful, and valuable. We are made in His image and He is Worthy. 

Another way value is determined is by what someone is willing to pay for a particular “creation.” Picasso’s work holds a much higher value than a piece of my art. His most valuable piece sold for $179,365,000. Mine … well nothing. But as impressive as Picasso’s creation’s worth is … you are FAR more valuable as God’s creation. He sacrificed His Perfect Precious Son for you. You, God’s masterpiece, were bought at a much higher price than Picasso’s masterpiece. 

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. ~ Romans 5:8 NLT

That’s proof that you and I have immense, incomparable worth!  When we were sinners, He saw worth in us. Christ died for us. His death and resurrection are proof of His incomparable love and how He valued each of us. 

What if we treated each other with the dignity and respect that God gives us? What if we valued others that we didn’t agree with? What if we could see past all the differences and see the image of God stamped on every person? Is there space to disagree with each other and still value one another? 

You will never look into the eyes of someone God does not love. Be kind always.

It’s humbling to think we have no worth other than what God has given us. But oh, it is enough … and it is solid ground to stand on. 

My prayer for us all today is that we see our value and the value of those around us and love each other like God loves us.